Monday, April 2, 2012

Dare I?

I want to try something. As I get progressively busier, my motivation to write posts for this tends to decrease. However, I still write poetry because I love it. I know that I'm not amazing at it either, but I can get better as long as I allow myself to continue writing it. And I'd like to share some of it with whoever feels it necessary to read this thing (which I assume is only a handful of people). Most importantly, I want to encourage anyone who is unsure of themselves or their creative endeavors to continue with them and try to put them out into the world in some matter how small.

Is It Raining?

you don’t know
how lucky
you are.

when you walk down
those golden streets you
stare at your feet
and listen to the
rhythm of your own

look up!

see just how high the trees reach.
notice the colors that embrace you.
reflect the smiles from all those women.

hell, maybe you’ll even find a lover
who sings all the wrong words to
every song you’ve ever heard,
but she sings them
with every ounce of conviction
in her soul. 

it’ll make you want to be wrong too.

she’ll marinate you in gasoline and light
a match.
she’ll watch you burn with sin on
her tongue and sweep your ashes under
her welcome mat
as she hums a cold
love song.

hold her close and hold her often
one day it will all be gone.

all the spoils of celebration –
the cigarettes and the champagne –
will one day vanish.

the leaves will stop falling
and the sky overhead
will fade to grey.

and all the pretty senoritas from your
will dive deep into the ocean and
hide far from
the sun.

there’s no denying that it
can be a cruel
scene just beyond
your front door,

but we can still find beauty
among the chaos.

we are most alive
near the edge.

we are all just
wine stains on
a carpet.

a better day is behind us,
but there are victories in our sights.

just look